电话:13207989690 (同微信)
天津申易牌补偿电缆 K型补偿导线
执行标准:GB/T4989-2013(等效采用IEC 584-3(89)) JB/T7495-2014
用 途:本产品适用于分度号为S.K.E.T.J.N型各种热电偶与温度显示仪表之间的电气联接,以提高测温精度。
补偿线缆型号 Type of Wire and cable | 补偿线缆合金丝 Alloy Conductor | 补偿线缆绝缘层着色 Colour Code of Insulation | 配用热电偶的分度号 Graduation of Compatible Thermocouple | ||
正极 Positive pole | 负极 Negative pole | 正极 Positive pole | 负极 Negative pole | ||
SC | SPC (铜) SPC(Cu) | SNC (铜镍) SNC(Cu-Ni) | 红 Red | 绿 Green | S(铂佬 10-铂) S(PtRh10-Pt) |
KCA | KPCA (铁) KPCA(Fe) | KNCA (铜镍) KNCA(Cu-Ni) | 红 Red | 蓝 Blue | K (镍铅-镍硅) K(NiCr-NiSi) |
KCB | KPCB(铜) KPCB(Cu) | KNCB (铜镍) KNCB(Cu-Ni) | 红 Red | 蓝 Blue | K (镍铅-镍硅) K(NiCr-NiSi) |
KX | KPX(镍絡) KPX(Ni-Cr) | KNX(镍硅) KNX(Ni-Si) | 红 Red | 黑 Black | K (镍铅-镍硅) K(NiCr-NiSi) |
EX | EPX(镍絡) EPX(Ni-Cr) | ENX(镍硅) ENX(Cu-Ni) | 红 Red | 棕 Brown | E(镍絡-铜镍) E(NiCr-CuNi) |
JX | JPX(铁) JPX(Fe) | JNX (铜镍) JNX(Cu -Ni) | 红 Red | 紫 Purple | J(铁-铜镍) J(Fe-CuNi) |
TX | TPX(铜) TPX(Cu) | TNX (铜镍) TNX(Cu -Ni) | 红 Red | 白 White | T(铜-铜镍) T(Cu-CuNi) |
NC | NPC (铁) NPC(Fe) | NNC(铜镍) NNC(Cu -Ni) | 红 Red | 灰 Grey | N(镍絡硅-镍硅) N(NiCrSi-NiSi) |
注:补偿线缆型号第一个字母与热电偶的分度号对应,第二个字母中“X”代表示延伸型补偿导线,与热电偶材料相同) “C”表示补偿型补偿导线。
使用分类 Usage | 允许等级及标志 Allowable grade and marking | 护套的着色 Sheath colouring | |||
普通级 Conventional | 精密级 Precision | 普通级 Conventional | 精密级 Precision | 本安电缆 Intrinsically safe cable | |
一般用 General | / | S | 黑 Black | 灰色 Grey | 蓝色 Blue |
耐热用 Heat-resisting | / | S | 黑 Black | 黄色 Yellow | 蓝色 Blue |
型号 Type | 热电动势及允差 Thermal EMF and allowance | |||||
热电势 (mV) Thermal EMF (mV) | 100℃ | 热电势 (mV) Thermal EMF (mV) | 200℃ | |||
允差 Allowance | 允差 Allowance | |||||
普通级 Conventional | 精密级 Precision | 普通级 | 精密级 | |||
Conventional | Precision | |||||
SC | 0.645 | ±60μV(5℃) | ±30μV(2.5℃) | 1.440 | ±60μV(5℃) | / |
KCB | 4.095 | ±100μV(2.5℃) | ±60μV(1.5℃) | / | / | / |
KCA KA | 4.095 | ±100μV(2.5℃) | ±60μV(1.5℃) | 8.137 | ±100μV(2.5℃) | ±60μV(1.5℃) |
EX | 6.317 | ±200μV(2.5℃) | ±120μV(1.5℃) | 13.419 | ±200μV(2.5℃) | ±120μV(1.5℃) |
NC | 2.774 | ±100μV(2.5℃) | ±60μV(1.5℃) | 5.912 | ±100μV(2.5℃) | ±60μV(1.5℃) |
JX | 5.268 | ±140μV(2.5℃) | ±85μV(1.5℃) | 10.777 | ±140μV(2.5℃) | ±85μV(1.5℃) |
TX | 4.277 | ±60μV(1.0℃) | ±30μV(1.5℃) | 9.286 | ±90μV(1.5℃) | ±48μV(0.8℃) |
项目 Item | 单位 Unit | 技术指标 Technical index | |
PVC绝缘 PVC Insulation | F46绝缘 F46 Insulation | ||
绝缘电阻(20℃)≥ Insulation resistance (20℃)≥ | MΩ・km | 25 | 500 |
试验电压 Test voltage | V/1min | 500V(多对补偿电缆) only for compensating cable | |
阻燃特性 Flame-retardant characteristic | 由供需双方按 GB/T 18380-2001商定 Consulted by customer and supplier refer to GB/T 18380-2001 |
序号 No. | 型号 Type | 产品名称 Title | 备注 Remark |
1 | KX-G-VV | 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿导线 Conventional compensating wire with PVC insulation and sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | 本公司氟塑料绝缘和护套高温补偿导线选用逬口氟塑料,采用整 体连续挤出工艺.具有很好的电性能和耐酸碱油水性能,获得过市 优和部优称号。 Teflon insulated and sheathed high compensating wires prod-used by Delta Co. have excellent electrical characteristics and properties of acid,alkali,oil-resisting and water-proof by using imported materials and and advanced continuous inte gral extrusion technology. These products have won the high-quality title issued by the Munici-palty and Ministries |
2 | KX-G-VPV | 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套铜丝编织屏蔽普通级K分度热电偶用屏被补偿导线 Conventional compensating wire with PVC insulation and sheath,and Cu-wire braided shield used tur k-grade thermocouples | |
3 | KX-G-FF | 氟塑料绝缘护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电线 Conventional compensating wire with Teflon insulation and sheath, used for k-grade thermocouples | |
4 | KX-H-FP1F | 氟塑料绝缘护套镀锡铜丝编织屏蔽普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电线 Conventional compensating wire with Teflon insulation and sheath, and tinned Cu-wire braided shield used for K-grade thermocouples | |
5 | KX-GS-VV | 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电线 Precision compensating wire with PVC insulation and sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
6 | KX-GS-VPV | 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套铜丝编织屏蔽精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电线 Precision compensating wire with PVC insulation and sheath, and Cu-wire braided shield used tor k-grade thermocouples | |
7 | KX-HS-FF | 氟塑料绝缘和护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿导线 Precision compensating wire with Teflon insulation and sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
8 | KX-HS-FP1F | 氟塑料绝缘和护套镀锡铜丝编织屏蔽精密级K分度热电偶用补偿导线 Precision compensating wire with Teflon insulation and sheath. and tinned Cu-wire braided shield used for K-grade thermocouples | |
注:1.其它型号补偿导线只需改写型号的前两个字母如:KX-G-VV改为EX-G-VV等. 2.阻燃导线在型号前面加“ZR” 3.耐温等级在G或H下标加上耐温标记,如ZR-EX-G105-VV 4.低烟低卤范围低烟无卤导线则在型号中用V0或E表示,如EX-GS-VDP1VD 名称为低烟无卤绝缘和护套镀锡铜丝编织屏蔽一般用精密级K分度热偶用补偿电线。 Note: 1 Others only change to the front of two letters of type such as KX-G-VV Change to EX-G-W etc. 2 Flame-retardant wires with “ZR”in the front of the type. 3.marking thermal rating under the “G” or ”H” such as ZR-EX-G105-VV . 4. Low-smoke, low-halogen PVC or halogen free for precision compensating uires expressed with “VD ,” or “E” in the type.such as EX-GS-VDP1VD named low-smoke.low halogen insulation and sheath tinned copper wires braided shield general precision for K-grade thermocouples compensating Wire |
序号 No. | 型号 Type | 产品名称 Title | 备注 Remark |
1 | KX-G-VV | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | 本公司高温补偿 电缆选用进口氟 塑料,采用整体 连续挤出工艺, 具有很好的电性 能和耐酸碱油水 性能。 High-temperature compensating cables produced by Delta Co.have excellent electrical characteristics and properties of acid, alkali,oil-resisting and waterproof by using imported Teflon and advanced continuous integral extrusion technology |
2 | KX-G-VPV-1 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织分屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Cu-wire braid individual shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
3 | KX-G-VPV-2 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Cu-wire braid individual and overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
4 | KX-G-VPV-3 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Cu-wire braid overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
5 | KX-GS-VV | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
6 | KX-GS-VPV-l | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织分屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Cu-wire braid individual shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
7 | KX-GS-VPV-2 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Cu-wire braid individual and overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
8 | KX-GS-VPV-3 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Cu-wire braid overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
9 | KX-G-VP3V-1 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铝/塑复合膜分屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Al/plastic film individual shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
10 | KX-G-VP3V-2 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铝/塑复合膜分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Al/plastic film individual and overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
11 | IA-KX-G-VP3V | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铝/塑复合膜分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆(本安用) Conventional compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Al/plastic film individual and overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples(Used for intrinsically safe cables) | |
12 | KX-G-VP3V-3 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铝/塑复合膜总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆(本安用) Conventional compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Al/plastic film overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
13 | KX-GS-VP3V-l | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铝/塑复合膜分屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Al/plastic film individual shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
14 | KX-GS-VP3V-2 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铝/塑复合膜分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Al/plastic film individual and overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
15 | IA-KX-GS-VP3V-2 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铝/塑复合膜分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆(本安用) Precision compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Al/plastic film individual and overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples(Used for intrinsically safe cables) | |
16 | KX-GS-VP3V-3 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铝/塑复合膜总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating table with twisted PVC insulated pairs,Al/plastic film overall shield,and PVC sheath used tor K-grade thermocouples | |
17 | KX-H-FF | 氟塑料绝缘对绞氟塑料护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs and Teflon sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
18 | KX-H-FP1F-1 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽氟塑料护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid individual shield,and Teflon sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
19 | KX-H-FP1F-2 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽和总屏蔽氟塑料护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid individual and overall shield,and Teflon sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
20 | KX-H-FP1F-3 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织总屏蔽氟塑料护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid overall shield,and Teflon sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
21 | KX-HS-FF | 氟塑料绝缘对绞氟塑料护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs and Teflon sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
c r | KX-HS-FP1F-l | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽氟塑料护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid individual shield,and Teflon sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
23 | KX-HS-FP1F-2 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽和总屏蔽氟塑料护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid individual and overall shield,and Teflon sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
24 | KX-HS-FP1F-3 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织总屏蔽氟塑料护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid overall shield,and Teflon sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
25 | KX-G-FV | 氟塑料绝缘对绞聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs and PVC sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
26 | KX-G-FP1V-1 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid individual shield,and PVC sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
27 | KX-G-FP1V-2 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid individual and overall shield,and PVC sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
28 | KX-G-FP1V-3 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套普通级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Conventional compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid overall shield,and PVC sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
29 | KX-GS-FV | 氟塑料绝缘对绞聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs and PVC sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
30 | KX-GS-FP1V-1 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid individual shield,and PVC sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
31 | KX-GS-FP1V-2 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid individual and overall shield,and PVC sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
32 | KX-GS-FP1V-3 | 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precision compensating cable with twisted Teflon insulated pairs tinned Cu-wire braid overall shield,and PVC sheath used for K-grade thermocouples | |
注:1.其它型号补偿电缆EX、KC、NC、NX、TX、JX只需改写型号的第一项如KX-FF改为EX-FF;2.阻燃电缆在型号前面加 “ZR” 3.耐温等级在G或H下标上标记耐温等级如ZR-EX-GS105-VPV 4.低烟低卤或低烟无卤补偿导线在型号中用VD或E表示 如EX-G-VDPVD名称为低烟低卤绝缘对绞低烟低卤护套铜丝编织屏蔽E分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Note: 1.Others only change to the first part of type.such as KX-FF change to EX-FF 2 Flame-retardant cable with the “ZR” in the front of the type. 3. Marking thermal rating under the “H” or “S” etc. Sunch as ZR-EX-GS105-VPV 4. Low-smoke.low-halogen PVC or halogen free for compensating cable expressed with “VD” or “E” in the type.Sunch as EX-G-VDPVD, named general compensating Cable with twisted lo-smoke and low-halogen insulation and smeath cu-wire braided shield for E-grade thermocouples |